12 research outputs found

    Estrategias did谩cticas del docente para mejorar la comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes de la especialidad de lenguaje, literatura y comunicaciones en la Facultad de Educaci贸n UNMSM

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorPublicaci贸n a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAnaliza la relaci贸n existente entre las estrategias did谩cticas del docente y la comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes de la Facultad de Educaci贸n del primer semestre de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - 2016. La presente investigaci贸n contribuye a la soluci贸n de la problem谩tica sobre el desarrollo de las habilidades ling眉铆sticas, la misma que se evidencia en un nivel complejo y desfavorable para desarrollar los estudios en el nivel de educaci贸n superior; por ello, con la presente tesis se formula sugerencias para contribuir a que los docentes universitarios en su labor educativa diaria empleen diversas estrategias did谩cticas y posibilitar habilidades ling眉铆sticas en sus estudiantes, en particular con la comprensi贸n lectora.Tesi

    La extrapolaci贸n en el proceso de comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes de Estudios Generales del 脕rea de Ingenier铆a de la UNMSM-2020

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    La investigaci贸n titulada la extrapolaci贸n en el proceso de comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes de Estudios Generales del 脕rea de Ingenier铆a de la UNMSM-2020, tuvo por finalidad analizar los procesos que permiten a los estudiantes desarrollar la comprensi贸n lectora a trav茅s de la extrapolaci贸n, para lo cual se emple贸 una metodolog铆a mixta, donde a trav茅s de del an谩lisis descriptivo correlacional entre las variables de estudio y el cualitativo que permiti贸 describir y explicar los procesos pedag贸gicos realizados para que un muestra determinada de estudiantes alcancen los niveles de extrapolaci贸n para el desarrollo de la comprensi贸n lectora. Para el m茅todo cuantitativo se emple贸 una muestra intencionada de 220 y para el an谩lisis cualitativo se seleccion贸 a ocho estudiantes. Los resultados explican que el empleo de la extrapolaci贸n para el desarrollo de la comprensi贸n lectora ha sido positivo, alcanzando niveles significativos

    Competency-Based Curriculum Planning Model To Overcome Inconsistencies In Vocational Training

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    "The objective of the research was to evaluate the consistency of different training proposals, proposing as a reference a competency-based curriculum planning model. Qualitative methodology was used from an interpretive paradigm, making use of inductive and deductive analysis at the same time. Inductively, observations were generated through documentary analysis, interviews with experts, and a focus group with university professors, who then deductively derived interpretations and forecasts regarding curricular planning. As a result, it was obtained that the designed model, based on the triangulation of the information collected, allowed evaluating and determining the strengths and weaknesses of the priority elements of the university curriculum: the graduation profile, the study plan and the evaluation system. The main conclusion was that it is necessary to have clear parameters for specifying the university curriculum, through a referential model that allows the development of a virtuous circle of evaluation and continuous improvement of curricular planning.Keywords: -competencies; curriculum planning; consistency; discharge profile; Curriculum; evaluation systemINTRODUCTIONThe Bologna agreement signed by the European Union led to great transformations in the training processes of future professionals. One of these was that the university curriculum presents competencies to develop for the exercise of a certain career 18 . According to the Tuning Project for Latin America 45 , competencies are classified by their basic, transversal or specific nature. Basic skills allow people to function as individuals who are part of society and support the development of more complex skillsof analysis, synthesis, understanding and action, thanks to the cognitive skills of information processing, argumentation and interpretation 44 accompanied by of central aspects.Transversal, generic or soft skills are common to different professions, and increase performance expertise, employability, management and productivity in different work environments 8,14, 19,26,44 . The specific competencies are those specific to each profession, and establish the performance expected in each of the professional disciplines, which promote specialization, thanks to the development of specific training processes 2, 20, 39,44 .Another transformation was the management of curricular planningso that all the elements of the curriculum (profiles, objectives, competencies, contents, didactic strategies and evaluation strategies) converge harmoniously and, thus, achieve the graduation profile 11,38 . The design of a curricular planning by competencies must start by identifying the challenges and needs of each profession, this with the aim of contributing to the solution of the latent problems that society faces, for which the competencies to be trained for a suitable performance. All this with theaim of guaranteeing the articulation between the training proposal and the set of demands on the profession 6 .Based on the above, curricular planning is defined in a competency-based approach as the design process of each of the central components of the curriculum, taking into account the educational model of the university, which defines the fundamental orientations of training, as well as the environment of the profession, its demands and development trends.From this perspective, a Curriculum Planning Model for Competencies -hereinafter MPCC -becomes the reference for the construction, organization and readjustment of the competency-based training curriculum, which contains the description of the stages and processes that guarantee consistency, coherence, relevance and gradualness of the training process, likewise, it articulates the macro, meso and micro stages of curricular planning where the structure of each of its components is taken into account 3,24,25,41,50 .The fundamental elements of the MPCC are the graduate profile, the study plan and the evaluation system. The graduation profile is made up of the set of generic and specific competencies for performance in a certain profession, identified after

    Estrategias did谩cticas y comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes universitarios

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    The present work examines the relationship between didactic strategies and reading comprehension in university students of the specialty of language, literature and communication, of the Professional School of Education of the Faculty of Education (EPE-FE), of the National University Mayor of San Marcos (UNMSM), in the year 2019. It studies the links between the existing relationship of didactic strategies and reading comprehension at the literal, critical inferential, and critical analog levels, since academic activities demand a high degree of reading comprehension, which are accordant with the criteria that describe various, diverse and complex questions regarding the relationship between these two elements: reading comprehension and didactic strategies. Providing that it is intended to formulate criteria to reflect and contribute to the fact that university teachers in their educational and professional daily work use various didactic strategies and enable linguistic skills in their students, particularly with reading comprehension.El presente trabajo examina la relaci贸n que se da entre estrategias did谩cticas y comprensi贸n lectora en estudiantes universitarios, de la especialidad de lenguaje, literatura y comunicaci贸n, de la Escuela Profesional de Educaci贸n de la Facultad de Educaci贸n (EPE-FE), de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), en el a帽o 2019 - I. Estudia los v铆nculos entre la relaci贸n existente de estrategias did谩cticas y comprensi贸n lectora en los niveles literal, inferencial cr铆tico, y anal贸gico cr铆tico, toda vez que las actividades acad茅micas demandan un alto grado de comprensi贸n lectora, que son concordante con los criterios que describen variadas, diversas y complejas interrogantes en raz贸n a la relaci贸n de estos dos elementos: la comprensi贸n lectora y las estrategias did谩cticas; aportando que se pretende formular criterios para reflexionar y contribuir a que los docentes universitarios en su labor educativa y profesional que realizan a diario empleen diversas estrategias did谩cticas y posibilitar habilidades ling眉铆sticas en sus estudiantes, en particular con la comprensi贸n lectora

    Research hotbeds: A practice for scientific development in universities

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    The study carried out seeks to explain how the seedbeds; they are part of the formative research program of the universities to fine-tune research methods, strengthen critical thinking; problem solving and promoting innovation. In this sense, the study was developed under the quantitative approach of cross-sectional scope; descriptive-correlational level; with the non-probabilistic-intentional sampling type. With the participation of 1116 university students of the formative research program. Obtaining as a result that the relevant point that the training sessions in the framework of the formative research showed to the research hotbeds is that they were related to the particular interest of the participants for an effective management of the bibliographic reference managers. There is an interest in accessing scientific databases; and optimally handle software such as Zotero, EndNote and Mendeley; in order to manage scientific information through storage, organization, managing citations and bibliographic references. Coming to the conclusion that the seedbeds represent in the formative research of the universities; a program to stimulate the development of research skills in students of various cycles through the development of courses related to research methodology, scientific writing, use of computer tools for managing references.Campus Ic

    El trabajo con las familias ante las drogas porteras con un enfoque de derechos

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    Los ni帽os y adolescentes se encuentran expuestos al nivel familiar, tienen una diversidad de factores de riesgo y entre ellas se encuentran las drogas porteras. El tabaquismo, desde un enfoque de derecho debe tenerse en cuenta para atenuar esta situaci贸n en el marco de la familia. Este trabajo tiene como prop贸sito describir la influencia familiar ante el tabaquismo y las consecuencias que acarrea desde el marco epidemiol贸gico, legal y social

    Inverted Classroom in Self-regulated Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in University Students

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    The year 2020, the Peruvian authorities decreed the development of virtual learning in universities, due to the appearance of the pandemic that originated the COVID.19, in order to avoid the increase of contagions, it is this context that the higher housesof study should, implemented strategies to improve the performance academice of the students, being one of them the use of the inverted classroom, the objective of this study was to demonstrate that the use of the Inverted Classroom significantly influences the self-regulated learning during the pandemic of the COVID-19. The method used was quantitative, basic, with a quasi-experimental design, applying a program to second cycle students of a public university. From the statistical processing it was possible to conclude that the inverted classroom significantly influences self-regulated learning

    El cl煤ster jer谩rquico en la segmentaci贸n de los logros del aprendizaje de matem谩tica y comunicaci贸n

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    [extra铆do de la introducci贸n] [...] Los procesos de la segmentaci贸n de los logros del aprendizaje por departamentos fueron gracias a los resultados acad茅micos de la Evaluaci贸n Censal de Estudiantes (ECE) encontr谩ndose alojados en la p谩gina del Ministerio de Educaci贸n-Oficina de Medici贸n de Calidad de los Aprendizajes (MINEDU, 2019), evidenci谩ndose los 煤ltimos reportes antes de la pandemia; esta evaluaci贸n se aplica a todos los estudiantes que cursan el segundo y cuarto grado de primaria en las 谩reas de Comunicaci贸n y Matem谩tica; mientras que en el nivel de secundaria, se aplican en las 谩reas antes mencionadas; adem谩s en Ciencias y Tecnolog铆a; para el efecto, los instrumentos previamente son adaptadas y contextualizadas de acuerdo a las diferentes realidades del estudiante. Para el estudio, se han asumido los datos liberados por el Minedu de las 谩reas de mayor controversia de Comunicaci贸n y Matem谩tica. Con respecto al 谩rea de Comunicaci贸n, como parte de la curricular [sic] en la educaci贸n b谩sica regular (EBR) y en los diferentes niveles educativos, es fundamental para la construcci贸n de significados, reflexi贸n, an谩lisis e interpretaciones para el estudiante; adem谩s permite afrontar conjeturas, expresadas en el lenguaje propio del 谩rea. (MANCA y RANIERI, 2013); gracias a la comunicaci贸n, se logra la adquisici贸n de los conocimientos declarativos y procedimentales en los primeros a帽os de formaci贸n acad茅mica; su importancia reside en el 茅xito a la hora de abordar tareas de lectura. Un buen control de la comprensi贸n se posiciona como una estrategia con un valor relevante en el aprendizaje permanente.Los limitados recursos econ贸micos que disponen para el sector de educaci贸n no permiten un despliegue significativo para el logro de una reforma educativa en el mediano y largo plazo. Sin embargo, la adecuada planificaci贸n responsable de acuerdo a la diversidad tanto social y geogr谩fica permitir谩 la inserci贸n del estudiante a una educaci贸n de calidad; al respecto, la pr谩ctica de las estrategias impuestas por gobiernos transitorios y rutinarios enraizados pol铆ticamente no ha logrado insertar acciones objetivas para la inserci贸n de estudiantes ubicados en diferentes lugares alejados de tecnolog铆a, de medios y materiales educativos con escasas posibilidades de superaci贸n personal, menos profesional, permitiendo una diferenciaci贸n significativa entre otros estudiantes y grupos sociales que gozan de los avances de la tecnolog铆a y otros aspectos (GARC脥A-MART脥N y CANT脫N-MAYO, 2019). VEXLER (2013), desde una postura objetiva a la educaci贸n peruana, manifest贸 que la educaci贸n es un tema muy controversial, puesto que no solo presenta un car谩cter acad茅mico y educativo; sino que los resultados acad茅micos no son tratados adecuadamente para tomar decisiones acertadas de mejora, la presencia pol铆tica y medi谩tica partidaria en estos 煤ltimos tiempos ha generado un clima de descalificaci贸n y desconfianza por los entes directos en la labor educativa, requiriendo atenci贸n inmediata y voluntad pol铆tica por parte de los gobiernos en turno.Campus Lima Centr

    El trabajo con las familias ante las drogas porteras con un enfoque de derechos

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    Children, adolescents and young people at the family level are exposed to a variety of risk factors such as street drugs. One of them, smoking, must be reconciled from a legal approach to mitigate this situation within the family. The purpose of this paper is to describe the family influence on smoking and its consequences from the epidemiological, legal and social point of view. Family history of smoking has a significant influence on tobacco consumption.Los ni帽os y adolescentes se encuentran expuestos al nivel familiar, tienen una diversidad de factores de riesgo y entre ellas se encuentran las drogas porteras. El tabaquismo, desde un enfoque de derecho debe tenerse en cuenta para atenuar esta situaci贸n en el marco de la familia. Este trabajo tiene como prop贸sito describir la influencia familiar ante el tabaquismo y las consecuencias que acarrea desde el marco epidemiol贸gico, legal y social